Thursday, December 10, 2009

There are types of days

Where you just feel accomplished. Like you haven't done anything that special, but underneath it all, something you did, was special.
It may not make a lot of sense, but it does to me. I am listening to the song Yellow by Coldplay. Aha, good ol' music. I feel good right now, like nothing can ever stop me from anything, but I know that that's not true. Some things can get in the way, but I guess if you just keep on trying, you can get blocked, but if you just keep on putting effort, it'll all work out, eventually.
Right now, I'm fine where I'm at. I don't want to be thinking about the future, or the past. It's just more of a bother. Sometimes, I just want to sit back, and relax. And not think about anything else, except for the present. Right now, my dog Bambi's sleeping on my lap. Aha :) I can feel his breathing. That's what I mean. I don't want to grow up yet, or grow any younger. Just let time flow by itself. There are times when I just want to give up and throw everything away, and trap myself in my room, with the music on. I still do that, but I think it's just because I would think about the past a little bit too much. And I should stop doing that. But I know I can't, because it'll always be stuck in my memories. When I think about myself growing up, it's kind of impossible, because you know you'll have to let things go in life, and sometimes, you might not like it, but it's for the best.

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