Saturday, December 5, 2009

I feel as if...

I've experienced a whole new side of my mom. She's been there somewhere, just she just decided to come out about it today. She sat me down today and told me that she no longer has no respect for my father anymore, and that the only reason why she's still living here is because of me & my brothers.
I think it was really hard to tell me how she was feeling, because she just broke down. It was hard seeing her like that, 'cause it was the first time. She told me that I'd be the only person who understood her. Hmm. I asked her why she didn't divorce. Then I'd just stick with her. She told me that she's staying 'cause of us, and she says we need a father.
I feel kind of down cause of that. But i guess she just needed someone to tell her feelings to. She said that marrying my dad was the biggest mistake of her life. I can't blame her.
I hope someday she'll live a better life.

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