Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Starting to Feel Like Christmas. <3

So this morning I woke up with this urge to wake up and run, but I didn't. Har har. So I took a shower, and went straight to the laptop to burn a Christmas CD. I brought my boom box outside into the living room and played it. It's still playing right now. Now THAT folks, is holiday spirit :). So I felt really good and decided to bake fudge brownies. (I didn't the other day 'cause I was too lazy.) THEY'RE HEART SHAPED! :D So they came out pretty, so I felt pretty good about myself, though no one really ate it. Oh well,. I'm still cool like that. :D. I still have 2 left baking in the oven, so I'm cool ;D So I have no idea what to do with the leftovers. D:

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