Sunday, April 11, 2010


So here I am sitting at the desktop table with the laptop, waiting waiting waiting. Our plan's been 3 hours over due. LOL. I'm pretty excited for this upcoming week, it feels new and FRESH. Hehe, I think that's a good thing. SOSOSO. I have no idea what to talk about at the moment. I went through my old posts, and I used to be so talkative... I wonder where all that talkativeness went. LOL. Okay, so I'm really bored right now. The internet doesn't entertain me as much anymore. ): Neither does my phone, sadly. BLAHBLAHBLAH. I'm trying not to get the sick feeling I normally get once inna while again. SO. I CAN'T WAIT FOR SUMMER. LOL. Feels just like last year, when I was just saying how much I wanted Summer to come, and then it did. Then I got all moody, but really. I think Summer is just what I need at the moment to relieve stress. I skipped benchmarks due to the fact that I was KOed for two whole days. So yes, I have to take them when I get back to school after Spring Break. Extra studying time? :D.